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Lord's my Shepherd, I'll Not Want, The
Posted By:    Thomas
Author:    Irvine, J. S. : from Scottish Psalter © Public Domain
Composer:    Havergal, William H.
Jun 19, 2004

Tune - "Evan"

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Lord's my Shepherd, I'll Not Want, The

«Ab Major»
1. The Lord's my Shepherd--I'll not want;

He makes me down to lie

In pastures green; he leadeth me

The quiet waters by.

2. My soul he doth restore again,

And me to walk doth make

Within the paths of righteousness,

E'en for his own name's sake.

3. Yea, though I walk in death's dark vale,

Yet will I fear no ill,

For thou art with me and thy rod

And staff me comfort still.

4. My table thou hast furnished

In presence of my foes;

My head thou dost with oil anoint,

And my cup overflows.

5. Goodness and mercy all my life

Shall surely follow me,

And in God's house forevermore

My dwelling place shall be.
With Chords

«Ab Major»
1. ‹G›The Lord's my Sheph‹D7›erd--‹Em›I'll ‹C›not ‹G›want;

He makes me ‹Em›down to ‹D›lie

‹D7›In ‹G›past‹D›ures ‹Em›green; ‹D›he ‹G›leadeth ‹C›me

‹D›The ‹G›qui‹Em›et ‹G›wat‹D7›ers ‹G›by.

2. ‹G›My soul he doth ‹D7›rest‹Em›ore ‹C›ag‹G›ain,

And me to ‹Em›walk doth ‹D›make

‹D7›With‹G›in ‹D›the ‹Em›paths ‹D›of ‹G›righteousn‹C›ess,

‹D›E'en ‹G›for ‹Em›his ‹G›own ‹D7›name's ‹G›sake.

3. ‹G›Yea, though I walk ‹D7›in dea‹Em›th's ‹C›dark ‹G›vale,

Yet will I ‹Em›fear no ‹D›ill,

‹D7›For ‹G›thou ‹D›art ‹Em›with ‹D›me ‹G›and thy ‹C›rod

‹D›And ‹G›staff ‹Em›me ‹G›com‹D7›fort ‹G›still.

4. ‹G›My table thou ‹D7›hast ‹Em›furn‹C›ish‹G›ed

In presence ‹Em›of my ‹D›foes;

‹D7›My ‹G›head ‹D›thou ‹Em›dost ‹D›with ‹G›oil ano‹C›int,

‹D›And ‹G›my ‹Em›cup ‹G›ov‹D7›erfl‹G›ows.

5. ‹G›Goodness and me‹D7›rcy ‹Em›all m‹C›y ‹G›life

Shall surely ‹Em›follow ‹D›me,

‹D7›And ‹G›in ‹D›God's ‹Em›house ‹D›for‹G›everm‹C›ore

‹D›My ‹G›dwell‹Em›ing ‹G›place ‹D7›shall ‹G›be.

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