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All People That On Earth Do Dwell
Posted By:    Thomas
Author:    Keithe, William
Composer:    Keithe, William
Feb 28, 2004

This is to the same tune as "The Doxology" otherwise known as "OLD HUNDREDTH".

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All People That On Earth Do Dwell

«G Major»
1. All people that on earth do dwell,
Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice;
Him serve with fear, his praises tell,
Come ye before Him and rejoice.

2. The Lord ye know is God indeed;
Without our aid He did us make.
We are His folk, He doth us feed,
And for His sheep He doth us take.

3. O enter then His gates with praise,
Approach with joy His courts unto;
Praise, laud, and bless His name always,
For it is seemly so to do.

4. For why? The Lord our God is good,
His mercy is forever sure;
His truth at all times firmly stood,
And shall from age to age endure.
With Chords

«G Major»
1. ‹G›All peo‹D›ple ‹Em›that ‹D7›on ‹G›earth ‹D›do ‹G›dwell,
Sing to the ‹D›Lord ‹G›with ‹C›cheer‹G›ful ‹D›voice;
‹Em›Him ‹D›serve ‹G›with ‹D›fear, ‹G›his ‹C›prais‹D7›es ‹G›tell,
‹D›Come ‹G›ye be‹Am›fore Him ‹G›and ‹D7›re‹G›joice.

2. ‹G›The Lord ‹D›ye ‹Em›know ‹D7›is ‹G›God ‹D›in‹G›deed;
Without our ‹D›aid ‹G›He ‹C›did ‹G›us ‹D›make.
‹Em›We ‹D›are ‹G›His ‹D›folk, ‹G›He ‹C›doth ‹D7›us ‹G›feed,
‹D›And ‹G›for His ‹Am›sheep He ‹G›doth ‹D7›us ‹G›take.

3. ‹G›O ent‹D›er ‹Em›then ‹D7›His ‹G›gates ‹D›with ‹G›praise,
Approach with ‹D›joy ‹G›His ‹C›courts ‹G›un‹D›to;
‹Em›Praise, ‹D›laud, ‹G›and ‹D›bless ‹G›His ‹C›name ‹D7›al‹G›ways,
‹D›For ‹G›it is ‹Am›seemly ‹G›so‹D7› to ‹G›do.

4. ‹G›For why? ‹D›The ‹Em›Lord ‹D7›our ‹G›God ‹D›is ‹G›good,
His mercy ‹D›is ‹G›for‹C›ev‹G›er ‹D›sure;
‹Em›His ‹D›truth ‹G›at ‹D›all ‹G›times ‹C›firm‹D7›ly ‹G›stood,
‹D›And ‹G›shall from ‹Am›age to ‹G›age ‹D7›end‹G›ure.

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