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All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name
Posted By:    Thomas
Author:    Perronet, Edward
Composer:    Perronet, Edward
Feb 28, 2004

I attempted to bracket some chords at the repeated lines of the chorus. If you can format this better, please do.

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All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name

«G Major»
1. All hail the power of Jesus' name,
let angels prostrate fall!
Bring forth the royal diadem {}
and crown Him Lord of all! { }

2. Crown Him, you martyrs of your God,
who from His altar call,
Extol the Stem of Jesse's rod {}
and crown Him Lord of all! { }

3. Ye seed of Israel's chosen race,
ye ransomed of the fall,
Hail Him who saves you by His grace, {}
and crown Him Lord of all! { }

4. Sinners, whose love can ne'er forget
the wormwood and the gall.
Go, spread your trophies at His feet {}
and crown Him Lord of all! { }

5. Let ev'ry kindred, ev'ry tribe,
on this terrestrial ball,
To Him all majesty ascribe, {}
and crown Him Lord of all! { }

6. O that with yonder sacred throng
we at His feet may fall;
We'll join the everlasting song, {}
and crown Him Lord of all! { }
With Chords

«G Major»
1. All ‹G›hail the power of ‹D›Jesus' name,
let ‹C›angels ‹D›prostrate ‹G›fall!
‹D7›Bring ‹G›forth the royal ‹D›diad‹G›em {‹D7›‹G›‹D›}
and ‹G›crown ‹D›Him ‹C›Lord ‹A›of ‹D›all! {‹G› ‹C›‹G›‹D7›‹G›}

2. Crown ‹G›Him, you martyrs ‹D›of your God,
who ‹C›from His ‹D›altar ‹G›call,
‹D7›Ex‹G›tol the Stem of ‹D›Jesse's ‹G›rod {‹D7›‹G›‹D›}
and ‹G›crown ‹D›Him ‹C›Lord ‹A›of ‹D›all! {‹G› ‹C›‹G›‹D7›‹G›}

3. Ye ‹G›seed of Israel's ‹D›chosen race,
ye ‹C›ransomed ‹D›of the ‹G›fall,
‹D7›Hail ‹G›Him who saves you ‹D›by His ‹G›grace, {‹D7›‹G›‹D›}
and ‹G›crown ‹D›Him ‹C›Lord ‹A›of ‹D›all! {‹G› ‹C›‹G›‹D7›‹G›}

4. Sin‹G›ners, whose love can ‹D›ne'er forget
the ‹C›wormwood ‹D›and the ‹G›gall.
‹D7›Go, ‹G›spread your trophies ‹D›at His ‹G›feet {‹D7›‹G›‹D›}
and ‹G›crown ‹D›Him ‹C›Lord ‹A›of ‹D›all! {‹G› ‹C›‹G›‹D7›‹G›}

5. Let ‹G›ev'ry kindred, ‹D›ev'ry tribe,
on ‹C›this ter‹D›restrial ‹G›ball,
‹D7›To ‹G›Him all majes‹D›ty asc‹G›ribe, {‹D7›‹G›‹D›}
and ‹G›crown ‹D›Him ‹C›Lord ‹A›of ‹D›all! {‹G› ‹C›‹G›‹D7›‹G›}

6. O ‹G›that with yonder ‹D›sacred throng
we ‹C›at His ‹D›feet may ‹G›fall;
‹D7›We'll ‹G›join the ever‹D›lasting ‹G›song, {‹D7›‹G›‹D›}
and ‹G›crown ‹D›Him ‹C›Lord ‹A›of ‹D›all! {‹G› ‹C›‹G›‹D7›‹G›}

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