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A Shelter In The Time Of Storm
Posted By:    David N
Author:    Charlesworth, Vernon
Composer:    Sankey, Ira
David N
Apr 15, 2003

This hymn is lots of fun if you speed it up and symcopate it. Also, you can further make things interesting by switching to Em on the last chord of the last verse, and then doing the chorus slowly in minor. Then switch back to major at the end of the chorus, and finish off by singing the chorus again.

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A Shelter In The Time Of Storm

The Lord's our Rock in him we hide - A Shelter in the time of storm
Secure whatever ill betide - A Shelter in the time of storm

Oh Jesus is a Rock in a weary land, a weary land, a weary land
Oh Jesus is a Rock in a weary land, a Shelter in the time of storm

A shade by day defense by night - A Shelter in the time of storm
No fears alarm no foes affright - A Shelter in the time of storm

The raging storms may round us beat - A Shelter in the time of storm
We'll never leave our safe retreat - A Shelter in the time of storm
With Chords

The ‹E›Lord's our Rock ‹B7›in ‹E›him we hide - A Shelter in the ‹B7›time ‹E›of ‹B7›storm
Se‹E›cure whate‹B7›ver ‹E›ill betide - A Shelter in the ‹B7›time of ‹E›storm

Oh ‹A›Jesus is a Rock in a ‹E›wea‹B7›ry ‹E›land, a ‹B7›weary land, a ‹E›weary land
Oh ‹A›Jesus is a Rock in a ‹E›wea‹B7›ry ‹E›land, a ‹E›Shelter in the ‹B7›time of ‹E›storm

A ‹E›shade by day ‹B7›de‹E›fense by night - A Shelter in the ‹B7›time ‹E›of ‹B7›storm
No ‹E›fears alarm ‹B7›no ‹E›foes affright - A Shelter in the ‹B7›time of ‹E›storm

The ‹E›raging storms ‹B7›may ‹E›round us beat - A Shelter in the ‹B7›time ‹E›of ‹B7›storm
We'll ‹E›never leave ‹B7›our ‹E›safe retreat - A Shelter in the ‹B7›time of ‹E›storm

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