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Amazing Grace
Posted By:    Mad Guitarist
Author:    Newton, John - Rees, John
Composer:    Traditional American Melody
Mad Guitarist
Oct 24, 2002
Contents of this forum are formatted for use with ChordMaker.

Amazing Grace

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see.

Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed

Through many dangers toils and snares I have already come
Tis grace has brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home

When we've been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun,
We've no less days to sing God's praise than when we've first begun

[edited by The Mad Guitarist on Oct 28, 2002]
With Chords

‹G›Amazing grace! ‹D7›How ‹Em›sweet ‹C›the ‹G›sound That saved a wretch ‹D›like ‹G›me!
I once was lost but ‹C›now‹G› ‹C›am ‹G›found, was ‹Em›blind ‹G›but now ‹D7›I ‹G›see.

‹G›Twas grace that taught ‹D7›my ‹Em›heart ‹C›to ‹G›fear, and grace my fears ‹D›re‹G›lieved
How precious did that ‹C›grace‹G› ‹C›ap‹G›pear the ‹Em›hour ‹G›I first ‹D7›be‹G›lieved

‹G›Through many dan‹D7›gers ‹Em›toils ‹C›and ‹G›snares I have alrea‹D›dy ‹G›come
Tis grace has brought me ‹C›safe‹G› ‹C›thus ‹G›far, and ‹Em›grace ‹G›will lead ‹D7›me ‹G›home

‹G›When we've been there ‹D7›ten ‹Em›thous‹C›and ‹G›years, bright shining as ‹D›the ‹G›sun,
We've no less days to ‹C›sing‹G› ‹C›God's ‹G›praise than ‹Em›when ‹G›we've first ‹D7›be‹G›gun

[edited by The Mad Guitarist on Oct 28, 2002]

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