Question: What Does This Mean?
what does <3 mean?
Hi Pat,
Well, there's the obvious explanation, it's a mathematical expression, for example:
2 < 3 (two is less than three)
However, I'm fairly confident that this is
not the context you're looking for.

What you're
probably looking for is the internet shorthand explanation for <3.
Probably someone put it in an email. There's a good chance that you saw it towards the end of the email, or maybe as part of a larger, more obscure bit of internet shorthand, like this:
i <3 u
What does it mean? It's a
heart (tip your head sideways and you'll see it!), and therefore symbolizes love. So "i <3 u" would be internet slang for "I love you", and if someone signed their email:
"<3 Doug", that would mean: "Love, Doug"
Hope that answers your question.
<3 Doug